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Nothing But Victory:
An Outdoor Exhibit
Honoring D-Day

With a basic concept for an outdoor exhibit commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, The First Division Museum at Cantigny reached out to Bridgewater for help transforming an empty landscape into a captivating story. Utilizing a 300-yard stretch of land approximately the same length as the Allied troops’ daring advance across Omaha Beach, the roots of a powerful exhibit began to take shape.

Working closely with curator Jessica Wazak to evolve the concept and immerse guests in the shoes of allied troops, we developed a thought-provoking journey through the physical space – where art and history combine to deliver a powerful experience. Guests are transported from sea to land, from enemy fire across the beach to an enemy machine gun nest atop a bluff, through hedgerows in the French countryside, and, ultimately, to a sculptural tribute honoring the sacrifices of our brave soldiers.


The Challenge

The primary engineering challenge with this project was designing the sculptural elements to safely and effectively withstand wind load and other outdoor elements, while still accurately representing the silhouettes of soldiers and structures on the battlefield. To offset wind and weather concerns, some sculptures are not solid and all seams, joints, and attachment points were carefully designed to avoid moisture infiltration.


In addition to using the physical distance of the outdoor space to compel visitors to make a similar journey, we leveraged ‘no-tech’ methods to create an analog augmented reality experience using direct-to-substrate printing of archival images of the Normandy landscape over mirrored and transparent surfaces to simulate the historic wartime environment. The effect is to transport visitors to the beach and allow them to see and experience the journey of the troops on D-Day.

Early concept image


Our team collaborated closely with the First Division Museum to design the exhibit methodically, considering requirements for durability and wind load, while keeping the guest experience in mind. To that end, we placed a large structure, representing the historic machine gun nest, at the top of the hill to draw visitors into and through the experience and provide a place to pause and reflect. The exhibit then continues through hedgerows to the exhibit’s endpoint – a white headstone positioned in front of an infinity mirror to emulate a Normandy cemetery. 

Rendering image


What was initially conceived as a one-year exhibit evolved into a more permanent installation as the project developed, necessitating footings and more durable anchors to ensure longevity outdoors throughout the seasons. Our in-house production team was able to prototype elements quickly, allowing for efficient iteration of designs and overall cost savings for the client. All digital fabrication and direct-to-substrate printing were done in-house with thoughtful consideration for the need to transport and install the large metal sculptural objects on site. 

The result is a conceptually simple, but moving and powerful tribute to a momentous day in world history that resonates with both the staff and guests of the First Division Museum at Cantigny Park.

Fabrication image
Testimonial Image

"Bridgewater Studio brought my vision to life in an unforgettable D-Day exhibit. From concept to completion, their expertise and dedication made every step of the process inspiring and impactful."


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